
The best tips to plan your purchases on Black Friday 2022

The best tips to plan your purchases on Black Friday 2022

One of the most anticipated times of the year is coming... Black Friday! This is an opportunity to get the very best deals, and I am sure that you look forward to it eagerly and enthusiastically every year. That's why we will dedicate today's post to this cool campaign. We love it at Ale-Hop!


We'll tell you a little more about this American tradition

Its origin dates back to the 60s. It started in the United States as a day when retailers made incredible sales on the first Friday after Thanksgiving and turned their “red numbers” into black - positive numbers. 

While it started in the United States, it has now spread all over the world.  Are good deals what bring us all together? Maybe so!

At this time of year, online sales for all kinds of products are skyrocketing, including early Christmas gifts! Yes... you read that right. November's super sales kick off the countdown to Christmas.

This is an opportunity to start buying gifts and not leave them for the last moment, when everything is all a rush…

That's why we want to give you 4 key tips to get ready and find the items you want, and to take advantage of the super deals before they sell out of that cool gift you've been waiting for for weeks. Let's get to it!

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How to shop online on Black Friday?

In this post, we are going to give you some tips to keep in mind when shopping online to do it like a professional.


1. Compare products and prices at different stores.

This is one of the most important points, so that's why it is first on the list. Know why? We want to help you find the best deals ever.

Always compare products on different websites to see which one suits you best based on your situation. While this will depend on the type of product, we are going to suggest some basic factors to consider.

  • Price. We can all agree that price is one of the most decisive factors in deciding on a purchase. That's why you should look for the same one on different websites to see which one is best for your budget.

  • Delivery. If there is one thing we all have in common, it is impatience. We want to buy what we want, and we want it now! That's why you should consider the delivery time. Keep in mind, this will vary depending on your location and the product's origin.

  • Reviews. An important thing to consider are the opinions of those who have already bought that brand or product before. The people who influence us in deciding about purchases, the so-called ‘influencers,’ play a big role in this process.

In terms of the purchasing process, an influencer is someone who implicitly influences your final decision about a product. Ask your family and close friends for advice; if they already have previous shopping experiences, they will be able to give you very useful advice.

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2. Don't buy impulsively; make your list.

Snap-decision buying only leads to bad decisions. Not all 'bargains' will really be bargains. You should always read all the information carefully and be sure that this product will really meet your needs.

 That's why we suggest making a list of everything you need to buy in a notebook with a lot of space or on a wish list.

You should also organize your list by priorities so that buying doesn't get too chaotic. Prioritize what you will need soon, what's important to you. You can use highlighters of different colors or sticky notes to do this.

This trick will help you save both time and money since you will have already decided what you're going to buy and what you're not.


3. Set a budget.

It's important to set a budget by setting a maximum amount you'll spend, especially since the deals can look quite tempting. Buy consciously, not just for the sake of buying.

If you have a fixed budget, you will be more able to resist last-minute whims that you haven't planned for.


4. Get informed about the exchange and return policy.

Often, you can make the mistake of not checking the time limits on exchanges and returns. You should have a clear idea of the maximum amount of time you have to return or exchange your t-shirt size or color or simply return a gift.

To avoid those situations where we have to keep something in the wrong size, look over these policies closely.


At Ale-Hop, we do Black Friday right. So after considering these tips, start checking off your wish list on our website. You will be surprised by everything we have in store for you.